Saraye Mehrgard in Mehriz Yazd
Historical places of Mehriz
Farafar gate

Saryazd castle

Zein o din castle

Old cypress(age-2145)
Pahlevanpoor garden

Another Historical places of Mehriz

Saraye Mehrgard in Mehriz Yazd

Saraye Mehrgard
We are a family operating Saraye Mehrgard which is a local resort offering accommodation for tourists. If you wish to know or learn about certain traditional local customs such as baking, cooking, and calligraphy, we can provide them for you as well.
History and Location:
Saraye Mehrgard is a 70 year old house attached to a fruit garden, in the city of Mehriz which is located 35km from Yazd. Mehriz is a historic city in which you will experience the local architecture as well as enjoying the local environment. • We can only accommodate a maximum of 5 guests.
The "Saray e Mehrgard" is located in "Mehriz"-Yazd and the guest will be delighted to view such natural attractions as 2100 year old cypress trees,
the chip stone mountain, the Gharbalibz stream flowing past, the true-to-life worlds first trust-fund box, and a world heritage garden-the Pahlevanpour
as well as the Arg e Saryazd, a citadel, and a castle, the Mehrpadin both to wander into and around, just to name a few places and points of interest for the guest to enjoy simply by being welcomed at the "Saray e Mehgard".



Subjects and Photos by:
Mrs Sadr from Mahriz Yazd Iran
Iran- yazd- mehriz
Compiled By: Mohammad Jafari Website Manager at
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