Nowruz around the world

Nowruz is celebrated in Greater Iran, Caucasus, Central Asia and by Iranians worldwide. It is a public holiday in Iran, Iraq,Georgia, Afghanistan,Azerbaijan,Tajikistan,Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan,Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan and India.
Also the Canadian parliament by unanimous consent, has passed a bill to add Nowruz to the national calendar of Canada, on March 30, 2009.
In Albania Sultan Nevruz is celebrated as a mainly mystical day by the Bektashi sect, and there are special ceremonies in the Tekke led by the clergy and large meals are served there. They celebrate this day as the birthday of Ali. Also all Albanians celebrate a secular version of Nowruz, called Spring Day. Nowruz is also celebrated by Kurdish people in Iraq and Turkeyas well as by Baltistan in the Pakistan and Parsis in the Indian subcontinent.
Other notable celebrations take place by Iranians around the world, such as Los Angeles, Toronto, Cologne and in United Kingdom, mainly in London. But because Los Angeles is prone to devastating fires, there are very strict fire codes in the city. No fires are allowed even on one's own property. Usually, Iranians living in Southern California go to the beaches to celebrate the event where it is permissible to build fires. On 15 March 2010, The United States House of Representatives passed The Nowruz Resolution (H.Res. 267), by a 384–2 vas cote,"Recognizing the cultural and historical significance of Nowruz, ... .".
In Iran, the Islamic Regime attempted to suppress Nowruz following the Iranian Revolution and was met with very little success. The Ayatollahs considered Nowruz a pagan holiday and a distraction from more important things such as Islamic holidays.
It is also a holy day for Alawites, Alevis, and adherents of the Bahá'í Faith. Countries that have Nowruz as a public holiday include the following:
Afghanistan Afghanistan (21 March)
Albania Albania (22 March)
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan (20 March to 26 March, total of 7 days)
Georgia (country) Georgia
Kosovo Kosovo (21 March)
Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan (21 March)
Iran Iran (20 March to 24 March, total of 5 days in general + total of 14 days for schools and universities)
Iraq Iraq (de jure in Iraqi Kurdistan Iraqi Kurdistan, de facto national (21 March)
Kazakhstan Kazakhstan (21 March to 24 March, total of 4 days)
Mongolia Bayan-Ölgii, Mongolia (22 March, regional state holiday only)
Tajikistan Tajikistan (20 March to 23 March, total of 4 days)
Turkmenistan Turkmenistan (20 March to 23 March, total of 4 days)
Uzbekistan Uzbekistan (21 March)